Faster Than Light Starship

The world's first faster than light starship design

Why Do We Need to Travel Faster Than Light?

  1. Firstly, because travelling beyond our Solar system at speeds slower than the speed of light will require an unjustifiable amount of time to arrive anywhere.
  2. Secondly, this type of space flight is very dangerous and calls into question the success of each and every flight.

To give a sense of the scale of the beginning of true outer space: the nearest star system, the Proxima Centauri system, is 4.246 light years distant, or about 269,000 times the distance from Terra to the Sun. For comparison, Pluto is only 40 times as far from the Sun as Terra.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, is over 100,000 light years across, that's more than 23,000 times the distance to Proxima Centauri. This is the scale of true outer space, galactic space.

How Do We Travel Faster Than Light?

  1. A reaction drive—such as a fusion drive—is used to accelerate the starship to the point that the quantum ramjet (QRJ) is able to become effective, and provide a large thrust.
  2. The quantum ramjet to accelerate at an exponentially increasing rate until the speed of light is reached.
  3. Once the speed of light is reached, the QRJ becomes a tachyon drive, as it is now dealing with energies that are superluminal in nature (tachyonic energies, respectively tachyons). The acceleration of the starship continues to grow exponentially, until it's speed momentarily becomes so high that the starship crosses the desired distance in a single quantum of time (chronon). Therefore the entire ship becomes a tachyon and it ‘breaches’ hyperspace.
    • Anything that exists for less than one time quantum (chronon) must be a tachyon, while anything that exists for more than one chronon must not be a tachyon. Therefore, you can go faster than light by accelerating so quickly that you reach your destination in a single chronon, by which you are converted into a tachyon.
  4. Because no tachyon can exist for more than a single chronon, after half a chronon has passed since the speed of light was breached, space-time will automatically begin acting on the intrablock to decelerate it, so that by the time one chronon has elapsed, the ship once again has slowed down to the speed of light.
    • Question: How do we accelerate and decelerate in the above manner without the immense pressures (g-forces) tearing our bodies and the ship itself apart?
    • Answer: The tachyonic warp shell/shield gives rise to an ‘intrablock’, which is a self-contained pocket of spacetime—a miniature universe—therefore the passengers and ship will not experience any acceleration pressures (g-forces), nor be influenced by any other external forces/factors, in fact they will be as comfortable as they would be on the surface of Terra.
    • Note that with an intrablock it would be easy and efficient to create an internal acceleration mimicking the gravitational attraction of Terra (or another planet) by means of a simple adjustment of the warp field's geometry.
  5. This is an inverse of the second step, where the QRJ is used to decelerate back down to a speed slow enough that the QRJ is no longer capable of sustaining a high thrust.
  6. A reaction drive is used to bring the ship to a full stop or to enter the orbit of a planet.

The QRJ will act as a kind of ‘warp field/shield’ which protects the ship from the effects of these speeds such as time dilation.

Hyperspace is a technical term that means more than 3 dimensions.