What is IRIS/­AsteronX?

We are an international movement, focused on developing a responsible and prosperous future for all mankind, by becoming better stewards of Terra, while simultaneously reaching towards the stars, exploring and settling new worlds, to ensure the highest possible standard of living for all human beings, both living and unborn, into the indefinite future.

What is the Eos Project?

The International Research Institute for Space–AsteronX proposes a global effort, a large space project which we call The Eos Project, that utilises the most sophisticated technologies and scientific principles to develop extensive non-terrestrial infrastructure, to enable the highest possible living standard for all human beings, on Terra and future non-terrestrial settlements.

What's Next

Ongoing Project
IRIS-AsteronX Centre

We are in the process of establishing a international centre for conducting and managing space research projects.

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Ongoing Project
Planet Seeker Telescope

We are developing a gigantic multipart laser space telescope to find habitable planets around alien suns.

Web Paper Paper on HAL

This is our practical and pragmatic roadmap to faster than light travel, and faster than light starships.

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Physics Project
Tachyonic Superstring Theory

A revolutionary theory that promises to unify Quantum Mechanics and Relativity by deriving a quantum of time from Relativity itself.

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